MDVP Holiday 18 – Staying Put

Dunk Listt | MDVP Gap Sweaters

For our annual MDVP staycation, we decided to take it easy this time around. Since we went to Belize together in November, this year’s MDVP Holiday was based on just relaxing. We didn’t need to find a hotel, we didn’t need to do anything crazy, we all just wanted to chill together. Spend a few days just hanging out, eating plenty of food, and enjoying each other’s company for the holidays!

For those of you in Canada, especially in our colder climates, you understand that we need warm jackets for the winter. It’s no joke dealing with temperatures that vary from 0 degrees all the way to -30 or 40 Celsius. I’m so glad I was able to find a parka that wouldn’t break the bank but also keep me warm in these harsh conditions. I found the Lex Long Jacket from Noize, which is a vegan brand from Montreal. Asides from being ecologically friendly, the brand makes some fresh jackets!

Dunk Listt | MDVP Noize Jackets

Since we missed the annual Canadian Tire’s Annual Holiday House Party while we were in Belize, we asked if we could come by and take a look around the house. The House displayed various lines from Canadian Tire’s collections including the new CANVAS line, home decorations, and rooms filled with toys!

Dunk Listt | MDVP Canadian Tire Christmas CTChristmas

I’ll be the first to tell you that my clothes above all else, need to be warm and cozy in the winter. Typically you can catch me in hoodies or crewneck sweaters, but you need to have some variety in the works. What’s this mean? It means wearing something with a simple pattern that will pop, maybe like stripes! We opted to for striped sweaters from Gap this winter, and in classic me fashion, I got the grey with pops of blue while Vic went all out red (how festive is she)!

Dunk Listt | Gap Striped Sweaters

To go with the sweaters, we needed something to work for the night time. Something that let us chill inside, do some cooking, and watch movies together. The whole point of our staying put portion of our Holidays was to be as comfortable as possible, and what better way to be comfortable than to wear PJs!

We ended up getting matching PJs from Gap and I must say, they were too hot to make them not cozy and comfortable. I never regret getting more PJs because what’s more comfortable than wearing clothes that you can lounge in to cook, clean, and relax.

Dunk Listt | MDVP Gap PJs

To end any kind of night, for any type of skin, I’m a firm believer that a good face wash is critical. Right now, my face wash of choice is the Kiehl’s Clearly Corrective Brightening and Exfoliating Daily Cleanser. For years, I was using whatever was on sale from the drug store but I recently discovered the Kiehl’s cleanser and the exfoliation has worked extremely well with my skin. Leaving my face feeling extra fresh and clean, I move over to a Clearly Corrective Clarity-Activating Toner to hydrate after a fresh cleaning.

Dunk Listt | MDVP Kiehl's


After we went to Belize together and I was able to survive snorkeling and swimming with nurse sharks, I realized that it’s not just traveling that you need to have compatibility with people. It’s the day to day activities that really matter. It’s knowing you can legit just sit around and do nothing except chill, and you’ll have a great night. There doesn’t always need to be a reason to hang out or to do something, sometimes you just wanna chill with your friends and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that!

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